Monday, July 12, 2010


So, I'm back. I've taken a leave of absence. Well, when you've only written two posts, does that even dount as a "leave" or just the norm? Either way, I'm back and I'm dedicated to beginning my blogging career and learning all I can to make it a great experience for those who follow.

I recently inherited (or should I say my roommate inherited) a great bar height table and chairs set. It just so happened that we needed a table and chairs set for our patio, so it was a great pick-up. The only thing? It had a pretty hideous orange stain on the top and black legs. While this may work for some, it was certainly not my aesthetic. Lucky for me, my roommate gave me carte blanche to do what my little heart desired.

I decide to keep the black legs since they were in pretty good shape and sand off the wood stain. But, what to do from there? I was hesitant to do a bold color and thus, decided to do an "antique" finish since I knew it would probably weather some on the patio. So, without further it is!

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