Friday, July 30, 2010

Experimenting with Color

So, to close out the week, we worked a little bit with watercolors (my favorite!) to try and enhance the study of our objects. We weren't trying to paint our objects, just experiment and see if anything inspirational hit us. This first one above shows the amazing fluidity that watercolor can allow.

So, we did a few and I didn't really like any of them, so I just started putting pieces of tape on my paper and then wateroloring over them:

I liked this one the best and it will later come into play with the concept I'm heading towards with my avocado (another post, stay tuned!)

Finally, I wanted to include this picture below because it shows a little bit about our discussions in class. We were asked to draw four squares and then, as simply as possible, illustrate under, in, on, and over. The drawings had to follow the "rules of the universe" (i.e. a ball or dot cannot float in mid-air, because gravity is working). Of course, my drawings were WAY too literal at fist, and too detailed. After my third try, I came up with the green cubes (if you can see them on the wall!

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