Friday, February 25, 2011

Too Many Options

I have recently been working on my resume, cover letter and something new to me- a teaser page (or as my Business Professor lovingly calls it, a "tickler" page.)  This is a page that goes along with my resume and cover letter that gives a sneak peak of some of my portfolio.  I've had alot of trouble with this because there are just too many ways to put it together.


I need your help.  I'm in the land of teaser pages and I'm afraid I've lost my way.  I've spent hours trying to play with layouts, selecting and unselecting which projects and pictures to include.  I decided I should just put them all up and see what you have to say.  We can have a little poll.  Just leave a comment at the bottom of the post and tell me which is your favorite.   OR if you don't think any will work, let me know how I can improve the one that offends you the most.  :)

Sometimes the comment-leaving buttons can be tricky and you have to hit the button several times before it becomes a comment, so make sure it shows up under the comment section when you think you have left a comment.

I had some fun with changing up my name haha :)









Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's your favorite font?

As I type this post all I can here is "Everybody Dance Now! font.    font.    font.font.     font.    font.    font.font.     font.    font.    font.font." A little inspiration, eh?

No, I don't know if fonts are gonna make you sweat, but we recently discussed fonts in class and I just wanted to see what you all thought about them.  Well, maybe you don't think about them often, but nevertheless you probably have a go-to font that you like to use.  Has anyone ever downloaded some free fonts off the interweb and had success? 
Here are a few of my favorites:

Did you know there is a font out there called Xanadu?  Bet you didn't.  I better go download it...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photoshop Rendering

My weekend was overtaken.  Overtaken by the Photoshop monster.  Somebody help me.  Please.

Okay, that may be a little dramatic, but let me just say, Photoshop is a whole other kinda beast.  It can really suck you in for a few days hours.  I have been working on turning my Luxury Project Watercolor Renderings (seen in this post) into Photoshop Renderings.  This is my first time really working heavily with Photoshop, so cut me a little slack, kay?

Photoshop can really allow you to manipulate a drawing and make it look more realistic.  I don't think I'm there yet, but I'll keep plugging away.  If you are a photoshop master, let me know what I might be able to change to make these look a little better!  I'm always open to a few helpful suggestions! 

Here they are!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well I have to say I'm so excited.  My model making video seen here back in December made it's way on over to the VCU Webpage!  (Check it out here!)  I'm so honored to be featured on the website.  I highly recommend popping on over to the VCU Interior Design Page to see some of the great work my classmates are doing.  There is a student gallery that is really fantastic and features some unique work!


Sometimes it is inspiring to look at other people's work.  Whether it be a fellow classmate, an established architect or a blog, I really appreciate all the time and effort that goes into making something great.  I thought I'd share with you a few of my inspirations when I'm stuck in a funk at school and trying to come up with ideas. 


Thomas Bucci


Become Your Own Hero

Bower Power

Some of these are blogs I go to when I need a little pick-me-up.  It's good to see people really taking control of their lives and doing what they love. 

Please leave links to any of your inspirations so we can all share!

Monday, February 7, 2011

On the James...

Recently my fabulous classmate Whitney arranged for our class to meet at one of her good friend's houses that overlooks the James River. Let's just say I was thoroughly impressed and my little brain has been opened up to the new possibilities that I was able to see in this house. Does that even make sense? Probably not. I'll just let the few snapshots I took do the talking...

How's this for a view out your kitchen window?

This picture above shows the deck which you can walk out to from the kitchen doors/windows.  The deck wraps around a corner and the corner walls are made of something called a nano wall.  This allows the homeowner to basically fold up the walls so it is a completely outdoor/indoor living area.  Pretty cool!


 Rock surrounding the stariway

Amazing chandelier made by a local glassblower

View from the living room


I hope you enjoy the house as much as I did.  They are setting the bar high!

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Job

Just before the holidays I got a part-time job working at a high-end antique store that specializes in furniture, fabrics, and fine art.  I've been lucky enough to really come to love the job and all that it has to offer.  The owner of the store is great and so helpful to me as a student. 

The store has so many great pieces.  They range from 18th to 20th century and let's just say they aren't exactly in my price range.  However, I have fallen in love with a few gorgeous pieces.  There is this beautiful blanket chest from Prague (early 19th c.) that just screams buy me every time I'm at the store......a girl can dream, right?

Well, maybe I can't afford the pieces, but I can sure play around with designing a room around them!  I created a mood board on with the furniture, fabric and art items that I would choose to do a living room.  Hope you like it!  Stop by the store sometime to check it out!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re-do. Re-work. Re-post. Remix.

Always looking to improve, right?  After several critiques, I'm trying to get my presentation (layout and design) to be the best it can.  I'm trying to learn as much as possible about photoshop, InDesign and all the other programs, but let's just say there is a learning curve.  Hopefully my work will get better over time.  That's what this blog is for anyway! 

Here are my new and improved pdfs- see if you can find the differences from the previous post):

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to My Luxury Space- Jump On In!

I introduced the luxury space in this blog post here last week.  As my ideas have changed, I have recently discovered a well-known architect- Peter Zumthor.  I took a page from his book in designing this space, which is focused on the luxury of travel. 

I love to travel, but being a student for most of my life, I haven't had the opportunity to do it as much as I would like.  The funny thing about luxury, whether it's something material or intangible, is that it is usually something you cannot always have.  A little out of your reach.  Or, in some cases, a lot out of your reach.

This space explores the idea of feeling like you have traveled to the beach without actually having to travel to the beach.  I tried to capture the anticipation you feel when you first get to the beach, drop your bags, and all you want to do is get to the water.  You can hear the ocean, smell the ocean and you may even get a glimpse of the ocean, but it is all build up until you have finally climbed over that last dune and the endless horizon line is staring back at you, inviting you to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
In my space I tried to accomplish those same feelings- the experience of walking into the place and knowing there is something special awaiting.

Let me walk you through my space.  When you first walk in you are on a platform, but all you can see is the partition in front of you.  There is a piece of glass (window) that runs around the entire 20'x20' space, allowing light in.  Since you are elevated, that glass piece happens to be at your feet, so there is light coming from below, but you can't see where it is coming from.  You can hear the water trickling in the space and you can smell it.  You turn right and walk down some stairs and as you walk down the stairs, the glass horizontal piece in the room becomes eye level and you catch a glimpse of the wall across the room, which happens to have water trickling down the whole wall, but you still don't know what is in the space. 
As you get to the bottom of the stairs, you can finally peak around the partition wall and you are able to see the entire space as a whole.

The wall across the room is a rain wall.  As water falls down the wall it gathers along the sides of the room like little channels running between the wall and the floor.  In the center of the room is a heated pool.  The level of the pool water is the same as the level of the channels running along the edge of the room, so the floor feels like it is floating.  A little oasis :)

Okay, so they say in school that we can express much more in a drawing than we can with words. And after that rambling above, I'm starting to believe them. I was able to pick my medium this time guessed it- watercolor! This was my final presentation (if posted they would be 11"x17" running side by side like a panarama.

So now I want to know what is luxury to you?  How would you represent that in a space?  Leave a comment!