The final studio project is a 12' x 36' x 12' space with clerestory windows and two doorways. Our task is to mediate between light and dark, wall and volume, black and white and color, public and private. So, I am playing first with the mediation of light and dark and manipulation of light in space and I created the above lattice work, stemming from the mullions of the clerestory windows on the long side of the wall and the short side.
Here is a side view that shows the slivers of light I was trying to achieve through layering pieces of wood:
And then, after hours and hours of work, I realized that it was not achieving what I set out to do. It was chunky looking, overworked and a bit patchworky. So, I ripped it all down...piece by ever-lovin' piece. I toiled the day away, trying to make it work, thinking of new ideas, but none came to me.
Then, I decided I would do a couple of quick study concept models to try and see how light actually reacts to different shapes:
This helped, but I realized (with the much appreciated help of my professor, Rob Ventura) I may need to take it a step further and see how light reacts within the space I had to work in. So I did a couple of light studies with a directed light and camera:
Looks very promising. Anxious to see the finished product.