Friday, November 11, 2011


So for my newest studio project, I have been looking at the term transformation.  We have been researching different ways of expressing transformation in an effort to understand and apply a concept to a house built by W. G. Clarke, the architect who designed Campbell Hall (seen here in the most recent post).  Anyway, I turned to biology (who would've guessed it?) and I've  been studying heliotropism.  That's the plants reaction to the sun as it turns its leaves and "body" towards the sun as it moves in the sky from east to west throughout the day.  I took a look at some great time lapse video and then made a little study watercolor painting:

After watching the video and then doing the watercolor, I drew some diagrams to further study the topic and then I made some time lapse photography myself!  I was just studying transformation by layering color through movement and additive and subtractive experiments.


And then this one...