Monday, February 21, 2011

Photoshop Rendering

My weekend was overtaken.  Overtaken by the Photoshop monster.  Somebody help me.  Please.

Okay, that may be a little dramatic, but let me just say, Photoshop is a whole other kinda beast.  It can really suck you in for a few days hours.  I have been working on turning my Luxury Project Watercolor Renderings (seen in this post) into Photoshop Renderings.  This is my first time really working heavily with Photoshop, so cut me a little slack, kay?

Photoshop can really allow you to manipulate a drawing and make it look more realistic.  I don't think I'm there yet, but I'll keep plugging away.  If you are a photoshop master, let me know what I might be able to change to make these look a little better!  I'm always open to a few helpful suggestions! 

Here they are!


  1. your water looks amazing! also, the whole space feels pretty close to your hand rendering, so nice job! i feel like mine just feel "computer-y" :/

  2. Nice job! The last girl looks a little weird just because she's smiling by herself on the top of the stairs...nothing related to your photoshop skills! Ha!

  3. L- Gracias! I will be happy to show you what I learned via youtube haha
    Claire- It's only because she is so excited with anticipation to see the rest of the space!
